How to Reset a Garage Door After a Power Outage 

How to Reset a Garage Door After a Power Outage 

How to Reset a Garage Door After a Power Outage

When the power goes out, you’ll likely be concerned about resetting clocks and other appliances in your home. Once you try to pull out of your garage, however, you could realize that you’ve forgotten to reset your door. Your garage door opener won’t work after a power outage because it runs on the same electricity as many of the other appliances in your own home. And when it shuts off due to an outage, it needs a quick restart to start functioning again. 

There are a few steps involved with restarting your garage door. 

1. Disconnect the Opener From the Door 

You’ll first want to break the connection between the opener and the garage door. It’s a good idea to remove the garage opener from power before you begin. 

2. Pull the Emergency Release Cord 

Next, you can pull the emergency release cord on the opener, which will allow you to lift the garage door when there’s an outage. 

3. Manually Close the Garage Door

Then, you’ll need to close the door manually. Be careful with this step and get help if you need it — make sure you’re closing it slowly. Be sure to close the garage door completely, too. The garage door opener won’t be able to connect until the garage door is fully shut. 

4. Press the Close Button 

After power is restored, you can get to work re-connecting the garage door and opener. This shouldn’t be too challenging — just press the button to close your garage. The opener’s chain should automatically move the trolley to the correct position and connect your garage door’s arm. 

5. Manually Attach the Trolley (If Needed) 

In some cases, your garage door trolley may not be automatic. If this is true for your situation, then you’ll have to connect the arms of the garage door to the trolley on your own. 

6. Enjoy Your Functioning Garage Door

Once you follow those steps, the garage should start functioning properly again. Make sure you’re going through each step slowly and cautiously.  

If it still isn’t working after going through those steps or if you’re having trouble figuring out what you have to do, then make sure you get in contact with a professional service that can help you restore your garage door system to an operational state. 

Contact EXL Garage Doors 

Your garage door is an essential part of your home. When there’s an outage, you could find yourself stuck without being able to get your car out of the garage. While these steps can help guide you toward a successful reset, there may be times when your door still isn’t working. In those times, you should find reliable repair services like EXL Garage Doors to help. 

With decades of experience in the industry and a focus on quality customer service, EXL Garage Doors is your go-to choice for garage door services. Whether you need emergency service, garage door service, installation, repairs, maintenance or inspections, our garage door technicians have you covered. Contact us today! 
